Rising and coming back from a difficult relationship with food is not an easy task. There are many apps out there to help with food related issues. One that I have been testing out (and loving) lately is one called itakecontrol! Developed by a team at Drexel University, this app was specifically designed by researchers to focus on those with binge eating disorder and emotional eaters. As someone who is in recovery from an eating disorder, (but can still need to track her emotional eating,) I have found the app helpful for noticing patterns and trying to stop emotional eating before it starts; a key to my own recovery.
Tech is a lot like our minds. It can either be a huge asset, or a huge contributor to mental, emotional, spiritual and overall health issues.
There is however, one app I recently found that I want to share called Moody that has helped me in both mind and body acceptance on my way to reviving my happiness and wellbeing before summer. This app is mainly for women, (although if you are male you can track your moods too:) Moody asks you to put in some key info related to your menstrual cycle that can help offer some clarity on why you may be feeling extra down, or maybe like your body has changed overnight. I know these mysteries of emotionally fluctuations, sadness, and body aches seemed like they were my fault, or I was doing something wrong for so many years when in realty the answer is that our hormones are at work each month contributing to these changes. For me, just acknowledging and staying on top of this has helped me understand, Im not just in a bad mood or sad, it's really just my hormones. Knowing that, and knowing that these changes will pass has helped me change my story and be less MOODY regardless of what time of month it is. So if you're looking to track your moods and body more carefully for a deeper understanding and to help you on your journey to happy and well, check out the app HERE! We all have ups and down, but knowing the story behind it can lead to greater happiness, peace and wellbeing as we ride those waves. Happy Seeking! Lucia
According to the American Autoimmune Association, approximately 50 million Americans, 20 percent of the population, suffers from an autoimmune disorder. Having personally dealt with numerous autoimmune issues, I know the daily struggles those with this chronic illness face.
On today's show guest, Kristin Tsorotes, nutritionist and wellness expert joins us to take about simple, real and everyday ways we can use nutrition to help aid in coping and thriving in the face of autoimmune issues. Join Lucia and Kristin and they help you find ways to live happy and well! Follow Lucia HERE Follow WellSeekers HERE Follow Kristin & get more info on scheduling a visit with herHERE Subscribe to the Podcast! We're on your favorite player: Apple, Spotify, Google Play, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, TuneIn, and SoundCloud |
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